Thursday, 24 January 2013

Amazonian Rights

I believe that free market can help the Yagua tribe from poverty. They are using the bartering system rather than using real cash, this stops them from having an efficient and rightful market system. In other words, they should develop their exchange system as their first step. Like in the comic book we read in the beginning of the year, after the money system has been introduced to the island, people are able to trade more freely, which leads to an economical breakthrough. Therefore, the free market can be achieve much easier. Once free market is achieve, laws and systems will be implanted. Once that happens, people will view Amazonian as an organised and a governed community, not a barbaric tribe with no serious control. The strong standpoint of the Amazonian will support them to rise against interlopers and bring back their environment. In, which they will become significant, other communities will want to trade and to do business with them and the Amazon will be more connected to the outside world. 

Not only the free market can help Amazonian people to gain their land rights, but their lifestyle will be different. Although it's good to protect the old traditions, but they need to choose what benefits them most in order to survive. However, it might not be that simple, there is no doubt that other communities will try to take advantage off the Yagua people, but as Lorena said "What's the point of owning the land if we can't control it". I think it's time for the Yagua community to stand up and take its risks.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

The problem with Antibiotics: Negative Consumption Externality

As we all know, antibiotics help us from common illness. However, using excessive antibiotic causes the bacteria to develop a resistance to the medicine, therefore making it less effective. This is an example of negative consumption externality: as new antibiotics are consumed, our immune system becomes weaker while bacteria becomes stronger.